

The pyBedLoad/ script imports all relevant packages an can be used to:

  • modify constants, such as grain or water density

  • switch between using all samplers in data/bedload-data.xlsx or comparable samplers only (default) in data/bedload-data-valid-samplers.xlsx

In addition, modifications to plot properties can be made in pyBedLoad/ (for morphology fun or more fun - choose your favorite), which provides the core functions for boxplots including Kruskal-Wallis H (KWH) tests, dataset completeness (application not explained in the docs), and global Spearman rank correlation matrix.

Global Correlations

To create a plot of the Spearman ranked correlation matrix shown in the manuscript, run the following command in an active Python environment (make sure to be in the repository HOME/):


After a successful run, this script will have saved a plot of the correlation matrix in HOME/figures/ with the name dataset-corr-spearman.png. The code also creates a workbook correlation with the correlation matrix (HOME/corr-spearman.xlsx). Note that we hard-coded the Spearman rank correlation method in pyBedLoad/ (line 323 defining corr_mat = df.corr(method='spearman') – sorry for the laziness), which can also be changed to pearson or kendall.

Boxplots and (KWH) tests

To create the boxplots with with Kruskal-Wallis H (KWH) tests shown in the manuscript and supplemental material, run the following command in an active Python environment (make sure to be in the repository HOME/):


Running this script can take a couple of minutes on a slow computer, and boxplot-figures in the directory HOME/figures/.

Histograms of Variable Frequency

To re-make the histogram-like frequency plots showing the number of measurements per category in the supplemental material, run the following command in an active Python environment (make sure to be in the repository HOME/):


This script will have created multiple figures showing the histograms in the directory HOME/figures/histograms/.