Bedload Meta-analysis

This is the code documentation for algorithms applied for processing data in a paper entitled Meta-analysis of a large bedload transport rate dataset by Sebastian Schwindt, Beatriz Negreiros, Bridget Ochuko Mudiaga-Ojemu, and Marwan A. Hassan in the journal Geomorphology in May 2023. Do not hesitate to contact us for inquiries regarding this paper.

How to cite this code and data repository

If our study and codes helped you to accomplish your work, we won’t ask you for a coffee, but to cite and spread the utility of our code - Thank you!

          author       = {Sebastian Schwindt and
                          Beatriz Negreiros},
          title        = {Bedload Meta-analysis - Codes and Data},
          year         = 2023,
          publisher    = {GitHub \& Center for Open Science (OSF)},
          version      = {v1},
          doi          = {10.17605/OSF.IO/3ZMKN},
          url          = {}


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